
DAAD engine for plus/4

Release date: 

Stefan Vogt, author of Hibernated 1 - This place is death contacted me that he would like to publish his text adventure games for Commodore plus/4. To achieve this he acquired the source codes of the DAAD engine. My task was to port it. I had some difficulties (for example the C64 editor stores hard coded memory pointers in the graphical database so I had to use the memory layout of the C64 version. That in fact overlapped the I/O area of the 264 series so it occupies the lower 2 rows of the screen resulting in 23 usable rows instead of 25. The RAM/ROM mapping is totally different and the graphics requires more memory to store the luminance values or the colors). In the end I've succeeded and both Hibernated 1 both it's addon, Eight Feet Under got released. Both of them are dual boot: they detect if they were loaded on a C64 or a plus/4 and starts the proper interpretert for that platform.

Data sheets and download links at plus/4 world:

Commodore plus/4
Commodore 64

Uncertain Future

Release date: 

A demo made by Absence and Legion of Doom. We've planned to spend more time on this one but actually the major work was done in the last 2-3 weeks. Got second place at Árok party.


Commodore plus/4
Downloadable file(s): 
Package icon uncertain_future__ace_lod.zip116.88 KB


Release date: 

A demo made for Árok party 2018. Made in about 8 days.

Commodore plus/4
Downloadable file(s): 
Package icon overcast_ace.zip43.95 KB

Creative lameness

Release date: 

My first pary-coded product made in less then 24 hours. It looks like that too. But at least something was released.

Commodore plus/4
Downloadable file(s): 
Package icon creative_lameness.zip15.65 KB


Release date: 

This is a very simple program for the Commodore plus/4 that saves the ROMs of the computer and the connected floppy drives to disk.

The save destination is the last used device (based on the value of $ae). In normal case this is the device where the program was loaded from but it can be changed to device 9 with the DIRECTORY U9 command. (or anything else that uses standard kernal routines)

During the save process the program checks what ROMs are present (banks 0-3 lower/higher part) and saves only those where there is a stable readout for the ROM's first byte. In the next step it checks what drives are connected and saves the ROMs from those too (in case of a detected 1570/1571/1581 it saves 32kB ROM for the others 16kB only).

PS: current emulators always give stable readout for non-existent ROMs too so it will save empty ROMs from emulators. :)

Commodore plus/4
Downloadable file(s): 
Package icon romsave_1.3.zip1.18 KB


Release date: 

This is a player for the HVSC SID collection.

Main features:

  • Only PSID format is supported (RSID requires a full emulated C64 environment).
  • On NAE cards C64 SID clock frequency is used with direct writes to the SID registers (so musics which update SID more than once within a single frame are fully supported)
  • On other SID-cards the register values are copied from RAM.
  • Currently there is no TED converter.
  • Works on both NTSC and PAL computers using correct timing for both VBlank and timer based musics.
  • Relocates itself in memory to allow loading SIDs everywhere.
  • SD2IEC directories and Dxx disk images (D64, D71, D81, stb) are supported.
  • Loading uses KERNAL routines so it's compatible with everything.

Edit: I've published the sources too. You will need 64Tass to compile (I've attached a batch file name make.bat for Windows).

Commodore plus/4
Downloadable file(s): 
Package icon sizplay_0.99beta.zip65.32 KB
Package icon SIzPlay_1.0.zip66.67 KB
Package icon sizplay_1.0_sources.zip14.41 KB

TransmissionDroid Smart Notifications

Release date: 

It displays notifications from the previously released TransmissionDroid on Sony smart accessories like the SmartWatch.

You can download it from Google Play.



Release date: 

This is a Transmission client for Android. When I've started the development there was only a handful of them but they could not utilize the features of Transmission. The development time became very long because I had other (paying) Android and non-Android projects and of course my hobby projects remained got low priority. Since then there is a more or less official client but I decided to publish a basic version on Google Play.

The current version can send a torrent file (either from downloads or from file system) to the Transmission server and it can manage the running torrents (start/stop/recheck/delete/sort).

There are new functions planned and I'll continue developemnt as my free time allows. (Tablet optimizations, show detailed information and most importantly filtering).


C16 Plus4 SD2IEC Game Project

Release date: 

As the name says: this is a game collection made for using with an SD2IEC (or similar) device. This one is not made by me, I'm just hosting the file because the original location is unavaliable.

Based on this Plus/4 World forum topic.

Commodore plus/4
Commodore 16 / 116
Downloadable file(s): 
File Plus4v20.rar51.14 MB

D64IT plus/4

Release date: 

This is the plus/4 port of D64IT written by Errol Smith. This is a commodore program which can create D64 images of physical diskettes or write a disk image back to a physical disk. It uses KERNAL routines only so it's not fast but works with any kind of storages.

Fortunatelly it did not took a lot of effort to port it even the source was public.

The attached zip contains the source and the compiled binaries for plus/4, C64 and C128.

Update: there was several bugs in the plus/4 port (mostly memory-corruption), I've fixed them.

Commodore plus/4
Commodore 64
Commodore 128
Downloadable file(s): 
Package icon d64it.zip11.61 KB
Package icon d64it_20140818.zip12.1 KB


Release date: 

This is a monitor program with lots of functions. It has been created for use as an EPROM. Thus it does not need to be loaded it's always available.

The attached zip has two versions:

  • sizmon3.rom - without load address (for emulator use)
  • sizmon3.prg - contains load address; this one can be transferred to the real machine

In addition there is a documentation in the zip. Open that for more information.

Commodore plus/4
Commodore 16 / 116
Downloadable file(s): 
Package icon sizmon3_v3.0.zip98.54 KB
Package icon SizMon3_v3.13.zip152.47 KB

8 bit cross-assembly plugin


This is a plugin for the Eclipse platform to aid cross-development for the old Commodore 8-bit computers. I've also created an update site for it.

Commodore plus/4
Commodore 16 / 116
Commodore 64
Commodore 128



This is a Google Reader client for Androidra. It had/has two goals:

  1. I've not found a program that suits all my needs (of course in the meantime the official client developed a lot)
  2. To learn the basics of Android development.

Since then an other (made for order but not yet public) project made it abandoned. I've learned much more from that one. Probably this one will be continued.
