This is a Transmission client for Android. When I've started the development there was only a handful of them but they could not utilize the features of Transmission. The development time became very long because I had other (paying) Android and non-Android projects and of course my hobby projects remained got low priority. Since then there is a more or less official client but I decided to publish a basic version on Google Play.
The current version can send a torrent file (either from downloads or from file system) to the Transmission server and it can manage the running torrents (start/stop/recheck/delete/sort).
There are new functions planned and I'll continue developemnt as my free time allows. (Tablet optimizations, show detailed information and most importantly filtering).
Some time ago I've purchased a Nexus 7 tablet (the top of the first series: a 16GB model before the 32GB and 3G versions came out).
The main use of the tablet is testing development projects and watching movies on the go by me and playing games by the rest of the family. I love it as it is comfortable in size, easy to use and quick. Although sometimes it's painful to look at the display after the Galaxy S4 (pixels are too large).
Tudom, hogy nagyon régen nem írtam már. Nagy mondanivalóm nem volt mostanában, a kicsire meg ott a Fészbúk meg a Twitter.
Történt, hogy egyszer egy reggeli munkába utazás közben valahogyan bevillant, hogy milyen jó is lenne egy Androidot futtató óra. Utánanéztem az interneten (=eBay) és meglepetésemre kiderült, hogy van ilyen. Sőt, mi több, nem is nagyon gagyi, mert a Sony gyártja. Már a második generációnál jár (az első volt a LifeView), ezt pedig SmartWatch-nak hívják. Mástól nem találtam hasonlót. Elkezdtem nézegetni, tetszett a reklámja is, bár nagy konkrétumokat nem árul el:
This is a Google Reader client for Androidra. It had/has two goals:
I've not found a program that suits all my needs (of course in the meantime the official client developed a lot)
To learn the basics of Android development.
Since then an other (made for order but not yet public) project made it abandoned. I've learned much more from that one. Probably this one will be continued.